Brochures, flyers and other outputs
A selection of other outputs from ALTER-NetALTER-Net: a European knowledge hub for biodiversity
Full-colour, A4, 10 page brochure, 'ALTER-Net: a European knowledge hub for biodiversity'. Produced by ECNC and the ALTER-Net Management Board.No publisheroutputsoutput:othershow-as-outputpublication2013-04-03T09:03:20ZFileConnecting Science and Policy - The ALTER-Net Approach: Integrated Policy Relevant Research for Achieving the 2010 Biodiversity Target
The brochure was produced during the first (EC-funded phase) of ALTER-Net. Editors: Aysegul Cil and Lawrence Jones-WaltersNo publishershow-as-outputscience communicationscience-policy interfacephase 1output:other2012-12-11T10:09:23ZFileALTER-Net information sheet
A4, 2-sided flyer providing information about ALTER-Net (PDF file)No publisheroutput:othershow-as-output2013-09-09T09:37:49ZFile