Anticipating IPBES-3
The event will take place from 12 to 17 January 2015, in Bonn, Germany. It is preceded by stakeholder events on the 10 and 11 January. Various people from ALTER-Net will be present at these meetings. ALTER-Net will be represented by our Council Chair, Maurice Hoffmann (INBO) and by our Management Board chair, Allan Watt (CEH).
Among the topics due to be discussed at IPBES-3 are: the task forces on capacity-building, knowledge and data, and indigenous and local knowledge systems; guides on assessments, policy support tools and methodologies, preliminary guides on scenario analysis and modelling, and the conceptualization of values; and scoping documents for regional assessments, land degradation and restoration, and the conceptualization of values. Delegates will also deal with the communications and stakeholder engagement strategies.
The stakeholder days are expected to be an opportunity for stakeholders to learn more about IPBES and to discuss how to engage with and support its work. IPBES has a stakeholder engagement strategy, which stakeholders should be able to further develop during the event.
IISD Reporting Services will provide daily web coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis of IPBES-3. You can also follow on Twitter with #ipbes3.
Let us hope the outcome of this event is positive.