ALTER-Net seminar: Ecosystem services and Biodiversity: what is the link between the two?
The 2010 was designated by the UN as International Biodiversity Year 2010. ALTER-Net contributed by organising a seminar entitled 'Ecosystem services and Biodiversity: what is the link between the two?'. The event took place from 3-4 Nov 2010 in Vienna, Austria.This seminar was organised by ALTER-Net in conjunction with our host, the French Embassy in Vienna. It addressed the question 'Ecosystem services and biodiversity - can we have one without the other?' and considered a range of relevant issues including the evidence base, policies and research needs. It was followed on 5 November by a workshop for ALTER-Net participants on our common research strategy.

- Venue: Palais Clam-Gallas (French Cultural Institute), Währinger Straße 30, 1090 Vienna, Austria
- Times/dates: 3 November, 09:00 to 4 November, 17:30
- Programme
- Flyer
Speakers' presentations are now available as PDF files. You will need Adobe Reader.
Terry Parr: Introduction to the conference | Download...
Session 1: Different perspectives on what we know and what we need to know about the link between biodiversity and ecosystem services
- James Bullock: The ecological side of the conference topic | Download...
- Dolf de Groot: The economic side of the conference topic | Download...
- Verena Winiwarter: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a historical perspective | Download...
Session 2: Theoretical and practical approaches for understanding and managing the link between biodiversity and ecosystem services
- Joachim Maes: Mapping Europe's Ecosystem Services | Download...
- Leon Braat: Ecosystem services assessment: from concepts and models to biodiversity in the field | Download...
- Sandra Luque: An integrated approach to evaluate biodiversity management strategies and related forest ecosystem services | Download...
- Gregor Levin: Applying parcel-specific land-use data to map conflicts and convergences between agriculture and biodiversity in Denmark | Download...
- Simron Singh: Conceptualising Long-Term Socio-ecological Research (LTSER): Integrating the Social Dimension | Download...
- Helmut Haberl: Socioeconomic drivers of biodiversity: The HANPP approach | Download...
- Heikki Toivonen: Ecosystem Services and Convention on Biological Diversity - How ecosystem services are reflected in the CBD Decisions in Nagoya | Download...
- Michalis Tzatzanis with feedback from Terry Parr: The contribution of ALTER-Net to future EU calls | Download...
- Arild Vatn: Ecosystem services from a policy perspective | Download...
Session 3: Evidence of links between ecosystem services and biodiversity
- Sandra Lavorel: Using plant functional traits to understand the landscape distribution of multiple ecosystem services | Download...
- Kati Török: Attempts at linking biodiversity and human health - a communication barrier | Download...
- Evelyn Hackl: Diversity of Bacteria in Soil and their Importance for Ecosystem Functions | Download...
- Lubos Halada: Ecosystem services of mountains as an urgent research area | Download...
- Thomas Cordonnier: What are the forest structures that optimize both biodiversity conservation and rockfall protection? | Download...
- Valdo Kuusemets: Landscape and habitat factors influencing diversity of pollinators | Download...
Session 4: Governance and management approaches for ecosystem services
- Olaf Bastian: Linking the NATURA 2000 and the Ecosystem Services Concepts | Download...
- Toon van Daele: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Complementary visions on world's natural capital? | Download...
- Eszter Kelemen: Managing ecosystem services: how to involve farmers in nature protection? | Download...
- Dick Melman: Ecosystem services as part of the Dutch Nature and Biodiversity Outlook 2011 | Download...
- Heli Saarikoski: Finding a balance between different ecosystem services: A negotiated agreement on Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia | Download...
Further information
- Learn more about ALTER-Net's work in relation to governance of ecosystem services.