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ALTER-Net: A Long-Term Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Awareness Research Network

Europe’s ecosystem research network


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Eklipse Communication Internship

Update: New closing date - 26 July 2020

To prepare a smooth transition towards an autonomous process under Alternet management, 
Eklipse is currently renewing and systematizing its marketing and communication tools in order to:

  1. Further develop the image and reputation of Eklipse across Europe, highlighting their unique niche within the Science-Policy-Society Interface landscape
  2. Raise awareness, interest and engagement with the Eklipse processes of calls for experts and expertise to reach the best available evidence on selected topics

To this end, the Department of Conservation Biology at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ is excited to announce an Eklipse Communications Intern vacancy.

  • 2 to 3 months, unpaid. The internship may fulfill a compulsory component of your current studies.
  • Working place: Leipzig or home office (temporarily, due to COVID-19).
  • Opening: From July or August 2020

To learn more and to apply, please see the Eklipse Mechanism website


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