Conference Workshops
Under the four designated themes, topical workshops (including talks and presentations) will be organized for deeper exploration of the theme contents. Featured workshops include the following:
Theme 1: Envisaging Plausible Futures
Workshop: Envisaging Plausible Futures in Europe (up to four parallel discussion groups)
Sonja Jähnig (Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Germany, Ute Jacob (Helmoltz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity (HI FMB), Germany and Ana Isabel Lillebø (CESAM, Portugal)
→ Location: Rooms Monika, Carthago, Hippo, and Library
This workshop will feature discussion groups in lieu of speakers
Theme 2: Probable Changes in Nature
Workshop 1: Expected changes in freshwater biodiversity
Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) and Koen Martens (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences)
→ Location: Room Augustinus
- Climate change in estuaries: sensitivity analysis and adaptation strategies for biodiversity in the Scheldt estuary (Belgium) (Gunther Van Rykegem)
- Large-scale scenarios for future freshwater biodiversity (Onno Knol)
- Why should we care about biodiversity of microorganisms in freshwater? (Hans-Peter Grossart)
Workshop 2: Expected changes in biodiversity and the policy challenge
Philip Roche (IRSTEA, France)
→ Location: Room Library
- Biodiversity in the Scottish Uplands (Rob Brooker)
- Seagrass meadows Status and Restoration at Ria de Aveiro (Portugal): Natured Based-Solutions to mitigate loss of Biodiversity and ES provisioning (Ana Isabel Sousa)
- How evident are evidence-based policies for the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the EU and globally? (Mario Giampietro)
- Working across science-policy interfaces: lessons learnt from the EKLIPSE Expert Working Group on the IPBES Global Assessment (Zuzana Harmáčková)
Workshop 3: Merging diverse perspectives into the post 2020 EU Biodiversity Strategy
Liisa Varuma (Finnish Environment Institute, SYKE, Finland)
→ Location: Room Hippo
- This workshop will feature a discussion group in lieu of speakers
- Abstract: This workshop presents the work of Task Force Society, which has been collecting citizen’s ideas and concerns on the biggest environmental problems across the EU and deliberating them in a series of dialogue events organized in different parts of Europe. The topics of the dialogues have included problems such as climate change, consumerism, biodiversity loss, waste and pollution and the lack of political action for halting biodiversity loss. An aim of the workshop is to discover and analyse the gaps and similarities between the societal and scientific key messages and find ways to bring research and citizen’s understandings of drivers of biodiversity loss and their solutions closer together. Showing the connections between citizen’s environmental concerns and biodiversity loss will help make the new Biodiversity Strategy more approachable. This way we can give recommendations that are both scientifically robust and socially relevant.
Theme 3: New Relationships
Workshop 1: Understanding human-freshwater biodiversity relationships
Gregor Kalinkat, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Germany
→ Location: Room Monika
- Potential strategies for reconciling stakeholder-based water management with sound ecological science to balance water security with biodiversity conservation (Charles B. van Rees)
- Freshwater culturomics (Ivan Jaric)
- Social-Ecological Analysis of Biodiversity Conflicts - A Concept for Research (Thomas Fickel)
- Hyperbenthos in the upper reaches of the Scheldt estuary (Belgium): re-establishment of an indispensable trophic link (Liesbeth De Neve)
Workshop 2: Relational values and active citizenship for nature
Wessel Ganzevoort (Radboud University, NL), Riyan van den Born (Radboud University, NL), and Thomas Mattijssen (Wageningen Economic Research, NL)
→ Location: Room Augustinus
- Relational Values: what are they and do they do work? (Wouter de Groot & Luuk Knippenberg)
- A sets perspective on relational values of nature: how new media and technologies influence the relation between people and nature (Bas Breman)
- Connectedness with nature in citizen science (Wessel Ganzevoort & Riyan van den Born)
- Bonding by doing: (feeling) ownership of self-organizing groups of citizens taking charge of their living environment (Rosalie van Dam)
- The meaning of active citizenship for green space governance (Thomas Mattijssen)
- Biodiversity loss as a problem of amnesia and hubris (Luuk Knippenberg)
Workshop 3: Development cooperation and biodiversity for sustainable development
Luc Janssens de Bisthoven (Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences, Jean Hugé (UCL, Leuven University and Hasselt University, Belgium) and Maarten Vanhove (Hasselt University, Belgium
→ Location: Room Hippo
The topic of discussion and brain storming of this workshop is development cooperation in the EU, both at the level of the Commission as well as at the national levels. It will be an open discussion centered around- but not exclusively- modalities and tools to integrate biodiversity and development cooperation, including capacity-building, best-practices and synergies. Some of the questions discussed will include: Are the European actors (providers of aid on biodiversity) each doing their own thing with or without harmonisation, are redundancies avoided and synergies fostered (in line with e.g. Paris Declaration on efficiency of Aid, Accra, Busan)? Do we refer enough to the (post)-Aichi targets and the SDGs?
Workshop 4: New forms of human-nature relationships for a better and more sustainable future
Philip Roche (IRSTEA, France) and Jiska van Dijk (NINA, Norway)
→ Location: Room Library
- Portuguese E-Infrastructure for Information and Research on Biodiversity (Ana Isabel Lillebø)
- A science-based opportunity to reconcile food security, biodiversity conservation and sustainable development between the land and the sea - opportunities and challenges beyond 2020 (Olga Ameixa)
- An accounting framework for the biophysical profiling of the European agricultural system (Juan José Cadillo Benalcazar)
Theme 4 Policy Responses
Workshop 1: Innovations in biodiversity policy
Onno Knol (Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, PBL)
→ Location: Room Library
- Policy streamlining for biodiversity and ecosystem services (Lawrence Jones-Walters and Rob Bugter)
- Is science responsive to policy, and policy responsive to science? (Theo van der Sluis)
- Setting regional conservation targets in relation to a changing climate and environment (Maud Raman)
- Metrics and tools for evaluating ecological representation in the Natura 2000 network (Kerstin Jantke)
- Is Natura 2000 large enough? - Evaluating and improving the European Union’s nature protection network towards current and potential post-2020 biodiversity representation targets (Anke Müller)
Workshop 2: Freshwater and Wetlands
Charles van Rees (Estacion Biologica De Donana, Spain)
→ Location: Room Carthago
- Ecosystem-based management planning across aquatic realms at a coastal socio-ecologic Natura 2000 territory (Ana Isabel Lillebø)
- Introducing ecosystem services and biodiversity into management planning with the River Ecosystem Service Index (RESI) (Martin Pusch)
- European leadership in the Mediterranean – does it stop at the borders? (Ilse Geijzendorffer)
- Conservation and large-scale restoration of wetlands is key for future nature and climate change policies in the EU (Kris Decleer)
- Time for action: EU conservation policy needs a boost as 2020 nears (Virgilio Hermoso)
Workshop 3: Green Infrastructure
Francis Turkelboom (Research Institute for Nature and Forest, INBO, Belgium)
→ Location: Room Hippo
- Green Infrastructure: How to brand the need for green infrastructure? (Wouter Van Reeth & Anik Schneiders)
- Feedback from a systematic review on the role of verges of transport infrastructure as habitat and corridor for fauna (Sylvie Vanpeene)
- Nature Outlook 2050: different perspectives on green infrastructure? (Helen Michels)
- How to manage multifunctionality - The European concept of Green Infrastructure (Marion Mehring)
- Social aspects of Green Infrastructure governance: role of stakeholder analysis and social valuation of ecosystem services (Monika Suskevics)
- Protecting nature: The zero-sum game or surfing the waves? (Francis Turkelboom)
Workshop 4: Monitoring, indicators and implementation
Jorge Ventocilla (Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences, RBINS, Belgium)
→ Location: Room Augustinus
- Re-conceptualising monitoring and evaluation for post-2020 Biodiversity strategy (Kerry Waylen)
- Exploring linkages between biodiversity indicators through network analysis (André Mascarenhas)
- Enforcing the Biodiversity Strategy through legal action (An Cliquet)
- Study on identifying the drivers of successful implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives (Gustavo Becerra Jurado)
Workshop 5: The policy implications of citizen science. How citizen science could support better policy formulation, implementation and assessment
Gÿorgyi Bela (Environmental Social Science Research Group, ESSRG, Hungary) and Miklos Ban (University of Debrecen, Dept. of Evolutionary Zoology, Hungary)
→ Location: Room Monika
- Incorporation of the My Natura 2000 citizen science mobile application into biodiversity related assessments in Hungary (Györgyi Bela)
- "Sharing is nice." Community consequences of self organised collections of biodiversity data in Central and Eastern Europe: the role of citizens, professionals and open tools (Miklos Ban)