Under the broader subject of "The EU Biodiversity Strategy Beyond 2020", the contents, talks, and events of the ALTER-Net & EKLIPSE are divided into four specific themes.
Theme 1: Envisaging Plausible Futures
Theme leaders: Sonja Jähnig (Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries - IGB, Germany), Ute Jacob, and Ana Isabel Lillebo (CESAM, Portugal).
Keynote Speaker: Machteld Schoolenberg (Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, PBL)
→ Location: Room Augustinus
- Workshop: Envisaging Plausible Futures in Europe
→ Location: Rooms Monika, Carthago, Hippo and Library
Theme 2: Probable Changes in Nature
Theme leaders: Philip Roche (IRSTEA, France), Sonja Jähnig (IGB, Germany), and Alan Watt (NERC – Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, CEH, UK)
Keynote Speaker 1: Steve Thackeray (Centre for Ecological Hydrology, CEH, UK)
→ Location: Room Augustinus
- Workshop 1: Expected changes in freshwater biodiversity - Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Autria) and Koen Martens (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Belgium)
→ Location: Room Augustinus - Workshop 2: Expected changes in biodiversity and the policy challenge - Philip Roche (IRSTEA, France)
→ Location: Room Library - Workshop 3: Merging diverse perspectives into the post 2020 EU Biodiversity Strategy - Liisa Varuma, (Finnish Environment Institute, SYKE, Finland)
→ Location: Room Hippo
Theme 3: New Relationships
Theme leaders: Jiska van Dijk (Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, NINA, Norway), Philip Roche (IRSTEA, France) and Eszter Keleman
Keynote Speaker 1: Ingrid Visseren-Hamakers (Radboud University, The Netherlands)
Keynote Speaker 2: Pietro Iannetta (James Hutton Institute, UK)
→ Location: Room Augustinus
- Workshop 1: Understanding human-freshwater biodiversity relationships - Gregor Kalinkat (Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Germany)
→ Location: Room Monika - Workshop 2: Relational values and active citizenship for nature - Wessel Ganzevoort (Radboud University, NL), Riyan van den Born (Radboud University, NL), and Thomas Mattijssen (Wageningen Economic Research, NL)
→ Location: Room Augustinus - Workshop 3: Development cooperation and biodiversity for sustainable development - Luc Janssens de Bisthoven (Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences), Jean Hugé (UCL, Leuven University and Hasselt University, Belgium) and Maarten Vanhove (Hasselt University, Belgium)
→ Location: Room Hippo
- Workshop 4: New forms of human-nature relationships for a better and more sustainable future - Philip Roche (IRSTEA, France) and Jiska van Dijk (NINA, Norway)
→ Location: Room Library
Theme 4: Policy Responses
Theme leaders: Jorge Ventocilla (Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences, RBINS), Onno Knol (Netherlands Environmental Assesment Agency, PBL) and Gÿorgyi Bela (Environmental Social Science Research Group, ESSRG, Hungary)
Keynote Speaker: Esther Turnhout (Forest & Nature Conservation Policy Group, Wageningen University, The Netherlands)
→ Location: Room Augustinus
- Workshop 1: Innovations in biodiversity policy - Onno Knol (Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, PBL)
→ Location: Room Library - Workshop 2: Freshwater and Wetlands - Charles van Rees (Estacion Biologica De Donana, Spain)
→ Location: Room Carthago - Workshop 3: Green Infrastructure - Francis Turkelboom (Research Institute for Nature and Forest, INBO, Belgium)
→ Location: Room Hippo - Workshop 4: Monitoring, indicators and implementation - Jorge Ventocilla (Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences, RBINS, Belgium)
→ Location: Room Augustinus
- Workshop 5: The policy implications of citizen science. How citizen science could support better policy formulation, implementation and assessment - Gÿorgyi Bela (Environmental Social Science Research Group, ESSRG, Hungary) and Miklos Ban (University of Debrecen, Dept. of Evolutionary Zoology, Hungary)
→ Location: Room Monika