Call for sessions, talks and posters
Under the auspices of the the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union | In collaboration with the European Commission | |
![]() | This call for sessions, talks and posters is now closed. |
Researchers, decision-makers and practitioners from all disciplines and fields are invited to propose sessions and to offer presentations (talks and posters) on Nature-Based Solutions in urban settings and beyond.
How to offer a contribution
This call is now closed. The closing date for submitting roposals for sessions, talks and posters was 16:00 CET, 25 February 2015.
Conference themes | Sessions | Talks | Posters
Conference themes
Sessions, talks and posters are welcome on a wide variety of topics including but not restricted to the following:
Session proposals
It's important to provide the following information to enable the conference planning committee to properly evaluate your proposal:
- Date of proposal
- Working title of the session
- Proposer(s) with affiliation(s), and contact data (e-mail and phone number, including international dialling code) for the person serving as the contact point
- Names, affiliations and contact details of the presenters
- An abstract of 250 words (see below)
- Any special requirements (e.g. equipment, room type)
- Requirements in terms of chairing, session moderation, panel discussion and other forms of participant engagement
- Proposed introductory talks
The abstract should include:
- essential background information
- the scientific and applied questions to be addressed
- objectives of the session
- proposed format for the session
- to whom is the session relevant and how? (e.g. how could it benefit policy development, urban planning, biodiversity, human health and wellbeing, etc.?)
- planned outcomes; it is also advisable to indicate the links with the overall themes of the conference.
- All proposals will be reviewed, but we cannot guarantee to include all proposed sessions
- Since we are also inviting contributions from individual speakers, we may include other relevant speakers in your session.
We invite contributions from individual speakers. Accepted contributions will be organised appropriately by the conference organisers. To offer a talk, please provide the following information:
- Date of proposal
- Working title of talk
- Speaker’s name, affiliation, contact email and telephone number (include international dialling code)
- An abstract of 250 words, outlining your proposed talk. Please consider the following:
- the theme of your talk
- essential background information
- brief details of what you will present (ideas, results, case studies, on-going work, personal viewpoints, questions, new innovations, etc.)
- to whom is your talk relevant and how? (e.g. how could it benefit policy development, urban planning, biodiversity, human health and wellbeing, etc.?)
- Although all offered talks will be reviewed, we cannot guarantee to include them all.
There will be opportunities to present posters at the conference. Although we are still working on the details, it is likely that we will create opportunities for people displaying posters to talk about them briefly, in an informal session. To offer a poster, please provide the following information:
- Date of proposal
- Working title of poster
- Names of contributors, with affiliation(s), and contact data (e-mail and phone number, including international dialling code) for the person serving as the contact point
- An abstract of 250 words, outlining your proposed poster. Please consider the following:
- the theme of your poster
- essential background information
- brief details of what your poster will present (ideas, results, case studies, on-going work, personal viewpoints, questions, new innovations, etc.)
- to whom is your poster relevant and how? (e.g. how could it benefit policy development, urban planning, biodiversity, human health and wellbeing, etc.?)
- Although all offers of posters will be considered, we cannot guarantee to accept them all.
- We will provide information about poster sizes, orientation and method(s) of fixing to the poster boards in due course.