LTER/ENV Europe session
The LTER-Europe/EnvEurope session of the conference comprises two parts. Presentations from LTER Sites, national LTER networks and the LIFE+ Project „EnvEurope“ will give research examples of relevance for targets 1-5 of BioDiv2020. The selection shall reflect the wide range of activities and scales covered by LTER. In the second part we will brainstorm and discuss from the site based LTER perspective critical points regarding each target, both with respect to research requirements and necessities to meet these requirements. |
14.00-14.15 | Michael Mirtl (EEA, Austria) | LTER Network Design work by EnvEurope towards supporting BioDiv research and BioDiv2020 targets |
14.15-14.30 | Alessandro Campanaro (University of Rome) | Monitoring of insects listed in the Habitats Directive – experiences from the LTER site “Bosco Fontana” |
14.30-14.45 | Lachezar Pehlivanov (LTER Europe, LTER Bulgaria) | Protection of freshwater fish species within the Natura 2000 National Network in Bulgaria: Achievements and Problems |
14.45-15.00 | Katalin Török (IEB-HAS Hungary) |
Restoration of a Natura 2000 habitat - 17 years experiences at the Kiskun LTSER site, Hungary |
15.00-15.15 | Lubos Halada (ILA-SAS Slovakia) | Ecosystems under impact of global changes and disturbances studied by LTER Slovakia |
15.15-15.30 | Isabelle Mauz (CEMAGREF France) | Ecosystems services provided by agriculture and forestry in an alpine landscape |
15.30-15.45 | Assaf Shwartz (MNHN Isreal/France) | People's capabilities to experience biodiversity as possible bottleneck in conservation - an example of the people-biodiversity paradox from socio-ecological research (LTSER) |
15.45-16.00 | Lars Lundin (SLU Sweden) | Benefits from forest dominated landscape ecosystem services identified from evaluation of LTER site environments in the context of EnvEurope |
16.00-16.15 | Kinga Krauze (ERCE Poland) | Restoring natural capital of catchments under conditions of increasing anthropogenic pressure |
16.15-16.30 | Fabio Fiorentino (CNR-IAMC Italy) | Multispecific fisheries and Marine Strategy. Some critical points on GES from long-term stock assessments of the seas around Italy |
16.30-17.00 | Coffee/Tea break | |
17.00-18.30 | Documentary film Jacques Perrin | |
18.30-18.45 | Giuseppe Scarcella (CNR-ISMAR Italy/Sweden) | Sustainable use of fishery resources as a means of ensuring the effectiveness of conservation and management measures, based on long term observations |
18.45-19.00 | Diego Fontaneto (CNR-ISE Italy) | Fragility of LTER freshwater habitats to alien species: testing the ecological correlates of alien occurrence across several taxonomic groups. |